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My Spiritual Journey


Hi Everyone,

I will be starting to share more about my spiritual journey as l have felt l need to do this.

Some of you may already know me and know that l am spiritual and human.

So many people believe that when you are spiritual you should act a certain way. But when you really think about it we are human and some of us choose to live a spiritual life.

So what does spirituality mean to me?

It means that l believe in a little bit of everything. Buddhism, Christianity, Paganism, Reiki, Healing energy etc.

I have read many books and taken 20 courses and l believe in bits and pieces from each person l learned from and each book l read.

I really don’t like labels but it seems we all relate to a title of some sort.

I was 20 years old when a friend gave me a book that l still have and love. Living, loving and learning by Leo Buscaglia . It was a very insightful book about life. I have since read all of his books. Leo passed away in 1998 at the age of 74. I wish he had written more amazing books.

After this book l started reading books about self help. Wayne dyer was my next book that l really enjoyed.

Then when I was about 30 years old l started to learn about different types of modalities. My first book l read was about Chakras. It was a beginners book. I loved it. It was so neat learning about the 7 main Chakras. It taught me how to open, close and heal my Chakras.

If you are new to Chakras there is a lot of information on the internet and many amazing books to read.

Pick and choose the ones you are guided to.

I took a great Chakra course a few years later and it really started to open me up to Crystals. Most of the books will talk about how Crystals can help you with each Chakra.

You will really relate to what you learn because you will have a lot of uh huh moments about what you have been feeling.

I have been teaching many different spiritual groups/classes and one is about Chakras. We can help ourselves so much by just reading one book.

I learned how to forgive from my heart chakra. How to really ground myself from my root chakra and how to open up my intuition.

Little did l know where this book would lead me.

More on this later.

Much love

Cindy aka Crystal Rainbows


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